
Modus Magazine

am 07.12.2010 / in kunst & kultur / unter #, #, #

Modus Magazine

Modus is a printed magazine aimed at dubstep, dub-techno and the surrounding genres and scenes. Designed to provide interesting articles, and thought provoking discussion, and not just the same old news and reviews.

Ausgabe #1 ist ab sofort zu bestellen bei magcloud.

via sittingovation

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Resident Advisor Podcast 226: Kowton

am 27.09.2010 / in musik / unter #, #

Resident Advisor Podcast 226: Kowton Die aktuelle Episode des Resident Advisor Podcast bringt einen großartigen Mix von Kowton, welcher lecker an der Schnittstelle von Techno und Dubstep mäandert.

Download: RA Podcast 226 – Kowton

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Speaking in Code (Official Trailer)

am 11.05.2009 / in musik / unter #, #

Speaking in Code is an intimate account of people who are completely lost in music. A heartbreaking and lighthearted documentary, it’s a vérité glimpse into the world of techno. Captivating and entertaining, the film takes you around the world, following the people who make electronic music … their lives.


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We Call It Techno! (full length)

am 11.05.2009 / in musik / unter #

A documentary about Germany’s early Techno scene and culture.

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techno tanzschritt tipps

am 02.02.2004 / in linktipps / unter #

oh jeh, verdammt, unbedingt hier die videos und tipps+tricks reinziehen.
was bewegt nur menschen dazu, so etwas in netz zu stellen?!

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